Paper Quilling greeting card is not just a simple card it is a piece of beautiful Paper art. If you want to gift a personize card with a touch of love and effort in it then handmade Paper Quilling card is best. But if you are new or beginner in quilling then don’t worry this post is for you, this card is very simple and easy to make. All you need is a few quilling supplies and some time. In this video you will specially learn paper quilling flower and scroll. Also check another type of paper quilling flower which is called Fringed Flowers, its really beautiful, fun and easy to make.
Materials you need are:
1. 5mm Quilling strips
2. Slotted Quilling tool
3. Card paper or any thick paper
4. Glue
Step 1:
Take a card which measures 6 by 8 inches. Leave 1.5 inches from all 4 sides and draw a rectangle.
Step 2:
Glue 5mm strips on that rectangle and draw a line inside it.
Step 3:
Take three 5mm quilling strips of green, lavender and maroon color. Stick the edges of the strips together, one over another and roll it using a toothpick. Take the toothpick out from coil and pull one by one strip to create a scroll. At the end, you will get uneven strips, cut it in one size and glue it together. Thus paper quilling scroll is ready. Create one more such scroll.
Step 4:
Take 5mm pink quilling strip of 17 inches and roll it using slotted quilling tool. Take the coil out from tool without applying glue, leave the coil in the 17th circle of the circle guide to unroll. Once the coil is unrolled take the coil out from the guide and apply glue at the end of the coil. Hold the coil with both hands and pinch it from one side to create a drop-like shape. Thus quilling teardrop shape is ready, create 6 such shape in all.
Step 5:
In this step, we will create an eye like the shape it is also called a Marquess Quilling shape. Take 5mm lavender quilling strip of 8 inches and create a loose coil. Hold this loose coil with both hands and pinch is from both sides to create “Eye” like shape. Create 6 such eyes like quilling shapes.
Step 6:
Now we will create tiny tight coils of yellow color, For this take 5mm yellow quilling strip of 4 inches and roll it with a quilling tool. Apply glue to the coil before removing it from the tool. Create 16 such tiny coils.
Step 7:
All quilling shapes required to make this card are completed, so now its time to glue them all together on a card. First will stick Quilling Scroll on a card.
Step 8:
After sticking the paper quilling scrolls, its time for sticking other shapes.