This Card is made from crimping quilling strip.
For creating this card you need…
- Black Paper of 5 inches in width and 7 inches in height
- Yellow, Orange, light green and dark green Quilling paper
- Black Cardstock
- Glue
- Crimping tool
- Quilling Slotted Tool
- Curved Tweezer
- Quilling Circle template board
Step 1
Take 2 Orange Strips and glue them together, it will be 34 inches long. Crimp the strip by using the crimping tool.
Step 2
Apply the Glue on one edge of the strip and place yellow strip (17 inches long) over it.
Step 3
Roll the Strip with the help of slotted tool and glue the end of the strip to secure it. Don’t pull the strip too tight by doing this you will not get crimping effect. Maintain proper tension on the strip while rolling it.
Step 4
Hold the Coil from both the hands and pinch it from one side as shown above. This will be the petal of the flower.
Step 5
Take an orange strip of 17 inches and yellow strip of 8 inches and glue one edge of the strip with another strip. Roll the strip with slotted tool and glue the edge before removing it from the tool.
Step 6
Take a green strip of 8 inches long and roll it. Remove the strip from the tool and place it in the circle to unroll it. Once it is unrolled glue the edge of the strip to secure it.
Step 7
Apply the glue and roll light green strip of 8 inches long as shown above. At the end glue the edge of the strip.
Step 8
Hold the coil and pinch it in leaf shape.
Step 9
Take 2 light green strips and two yellow strips of the same length. Glue all the strips together from one side as shown. First light green, second yellow, third yellow and fourth light green.
Step 10
Roll the glued edge and uncoil it. Pull each strip of the coil to create curve coil as shown above.
Step 11
Apply glue at the end of the strips.
Step 12
Take a yellow strip of 3 inches long and create a tight coil. Roll it with the slotted tool and glue the strip before removing it from the tool.
Step 13
Grab a yellow strip of 15 inches long and roll it with the slotted tool. Take the coil out (don’t glue the coil before removing) and allow it to uncoil a little. Glue the end of the coil and hold it with thumb and finger to pinch it to give teardrop shape.
Step 14
Take black card stock of 5 inches in width and 7 inches in height. Start Sticking all the elements on the card.
Happy Crafting……